Sunday, February 15, 2009

What is Steampunk Jewelry?

Steampunk Jewelry is a very unique form of artistic expression. This beautiful form of jewelry is relatively new, but the ideas behind it go back many years. Starting out in the 80's as a subgenre of science fiction writing, the idea of steampunk is rapid technological advance... but during the time of the industrial revolution, rather than during the information age. This alternate history provides a beautiful backdrop for some really unique designs.

The ideas of buzzing steam powered machines, complete with whirling, cranking gears powering airships, computers and more are spectacular for speculative fiction, and really translate beautifully when placed in the realm of fashion.

This blog will highlight the many aspects of steampunk jewelry, and will highlight some designs and pieces that we think are particularly spectacular.

Welcome to! We're new, but be sure to keep checking back for some great info on both the steampunk culture, and some amazing steampunk jewelry.

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